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Downloadable DVD Tutorials:

Wave Fundamentals - How to Paint 
with Mark Waller Downloadable DVD

Mark's latest tutorial Wave Fundamentals will have you creating gorgeous, realistic waves!

Wave Fundamentals explains the basics of wave anatomy and behaviour, and a comprehensive step by step guide to creating different types of waves in two scenarios.  You will be creating gorgeous, realistic waves that will have all the surfers lining up!

Click here for more details.




More on Water - How to Paint
with Mark Waller Downloadable DVD

Mark's new DVD tutorial, More on Water, is now available as a download!

More on Water builds on your understanding of the four elements that make up the appearance of water learnt in Water Fundamentals.  This comprehensive tutorial will have you attacking your waterscapes with gusto!

Click here for more details.




3 Pack - How to Paint with Mark Waller DVD set
Downloadable DVDs

This three pack of tutorial DVDs includes:

 Water Fundamentals
 Water Foam & Whitewash
 Tips & Techniques

Mark's passion and enthusiasm for painting and teaching will inspire you into action!

Click here for more details. 




Water Fundamentals - How to Paint with
Mark Waller Downloadable DVD

Learn how to break the appearance of water into four manageable elements. You will look at water in a whole new way!

Click here for more details. 




Water - Foam & Whitewash - How to Paint with
Mark Waller Downloadable DVD

Following on from Water Fundamentals, this DVD tutorial focuses on the detailed aspects of painting waves, whitewash trails & foam in the ocean, giving realism and "pop" to your seascapes.

Click here for more details. 




Tips & Techniques - How to Paint with
Mark Waller Downloadable DVD

Accelerate your learning with this mixed bag of tricks of the trade from Mark, which make his painting process easier and more fun, accumulated over 30 years of painting professionally.

Click here for more details. 




For our hard copy DVDs, please click here.

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