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Upcoming Workshops

Woolgoolga, NSW
August 10-11th 2024
"Winter Headland"

****THIS WORKSHOP IS FULLY BOOKED**** Please contact us to join the waitlist.

Let’s explore late afternoon Winter light, and how it impacts the objects it hits such as rocks, whitewash and foliage.

In this 2 day workshop, we’ll be looking at complementary opposites, composition and creating the illusion of movement and realism.  We’ll be using textural techniques to build up layers, such as scumbling (and some stumbling), dry brushing and glazing overlaid with fine brushwork for detail, to create an impressionist realistic interpretation of this compelling scene, an iconic Woopi headland nook.

This will be a meandering through the elements that will make up this painting, uncovering information and wonder along the way. We'll be focussing on the light, and understanding the differences between light at this time of the day and midday, and how to make those changes with some very simple strategies. We'll also look at how Winter light differs from Summer light.

This will broaden your understanding of light, and allow you to tackle painting images from different times of the day (and year) with more confidence.

This painting will be completed as a "follow-along" style, a guided journey so to speak. Therefore it is suitable for painters of all levels of experience, however it may be quite challenging for a beginner. We are aiming to complete the painting during this 2-day workshop, however as always with our workshops we are aiming that our participants leave with information and knowledge to improve their paintings going forward, rather than slavishly following a process in class.

For the workshop flyer, click here.

To join the waitlist for this workshop, contact us here.

Daku Resort, Savusavu, Fiji
October 19-26th 2024
"Discovery, Inspiration and Technique"
Cost and detailed info via Paradise Courses

Mark is coming back to Fiji for another painting retreat – two years on the trot to a place he loves and values for its rich painting opportunities and welcoming environment. He will once again immerse himself and his class into the inspiration and opportunities of this corner of Fiji. He finds endless excitement and inspiration in the waters of the island – the shapes and shadows of the coral reefs below the water, the abundant fish life and towering coral heads that could be seen when snorkelling and the sweeping views across the bay.

This course is run by the fantastic Paradise Courses, please click here for all the detailed information and to make a booking!

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For news of upcoming workshops in your local area, check here!

To check out past workshops, click here.

****2024 and ongoing WORKSHOPS***

COVID-19 update:

Due to the worldwide coronavirus pandemic we have been unable to run regular workshops in our normal face-to-face format ---- this situation appears to be evolving for the better due to vaccination programs and competent contact tracing efforts to contain outbreaks!  We are holding workshops again about 3-4 times per year under Covid safe guidelines.  Contact us for further information or bookmark and check this page regularly.

Hope you're all staying safe :)

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Mark's Health update:

As you may now know, Mark was hospitalised with a brain tumour on the 19th May 2016 the day after his solo exhibition "Time & Space" in Fremantle WA closed, and the day before a series of sell-out workshops were due to commence in the South-West of WA.  

Surgery to attempt to remove the tumour occurred on the 23rd May, 2016.  Mark received results from pathology indicating his melanoma (from 2013) had reappeared in the form of a brain tumour. They also discovered 2 tumours on his lungs.  His treatment required an ongoing mix of immunotherapy, drug therapy and radiotherapy; as well as regular scans and assessment.

Due to the ongoing treatment and rehabilitation Mark requires, his workshops and classes for 2017,  2018 and 2019 were structured slightly differently; to allow him to rest when required.  Managing a group of diverse people, teaching and painting at the same time, is extremely challenging - and we will continue to take it slowly with workshops planned for 2020 and beyond.  We want to make you aware if you have attended a workshop with Mark in the past, it will now be a slightly different experience.  In saying all that we are committed to providing you with a quality learning experience packed with information to improve your painting process, and will do our utmost to deliver this.

Mark commenced radiotherapy treatment in early 2018 and his subsequent scans have come back with all tumours inactive.  However, he received immunotherapy treatment until October 2018, and this treatment does have side effects.  He had a bronchoscopy in January 2019 as a subsequent scan showed some irregularities in his right lung.  The results of this showed inflammation in the lung due to the immunotherapy treatment.

However, as at January 2019, Mark is so happy to share that there is no evidence of cancer in his body.  We want to thank you all so much for your continued love and support.  It means so, so much to not only Mark, but all of us close to him.  Due to this news, Mark is keen to get back into workshops!

We will continue to monitor his energy levels before planning  future workshops.  If you are subscribed to our workshops mailing list, you will be the first to know of any upcoming workshop events in the planning.

We thank you for your patience and ongoing support :)

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Join in Mark's workshop Whale of a Time on the Central Coast in June 2014.

If you would like us to organise a workshop in your local area,

please contact us.

This is not as difficult as you might think, as Mark is willing to travel pretty much anywhere, and is always up for a new adventure, pending health. If you can get a group of friends together who are interested in having Mark as a workshop tutor, please don't hesitate to contact us!

For all past workshops -- notes, experiences, videos and more, click here.  This is the place to visit if you are considering a workshop but don't know what to expect.

For all the latest updates on upcoming workshops, as well as great tips, techniques to take the pain out of your paintings, and subscriber only deals, subscribe to our monthly ezine Acrylics Anonymous!

All our valued subscribers receive many fantastic things, including access to our

3-pack of DOWNLOADABLE DVD Tutorials for only AUD$80.00!  

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Thanks heaps!  Hope to see you at a workshop soon.

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