Woolgoolga one spot left

Have you ever wanted to paint a majestic, soaring backlit gull like this one?

Here's your chance!  Mark will show you how with his latest downloadable tutorial V-Log, available now!  


Learn how to paint this compelling seagull in just over an hour!

only AUD$25.00

  • Get your background down FAST using only two colours.
  • Learn Mark’s brush techniques for creating realism in feathers.
  • Discover how to create planes to give your seagull depth, flight and realism.
  • Understand how light works with transparent and semi-transparent feathers.
  • Layering techniques to give your seagull dynamic realism.

And fundamental skills to give ALL your paintings a solid foundation:

  • Brush Technique
  • Dry Brush Technique
  • More Brush Technique :D

PLUS more advanced techniques:

  • Create the illusion of backlighting using contrast and bright, compelling colours.
  • Using negative space to define the feathers.
  • Glazing to create transparency.
  • Start to understand the features of a seagull, and how they move seagulls in the sky. 
  • Discover how very small shifts in colour create the illusion of shadow and bright sunlight.
  • Use the accompanying PDF’s as your starting reference points and follow along.


After watching this you'll want to paint more and more gulls!


When you purchase, receive this BONUS support material FREE:

ZIP file of 10 JPG References - Mark's own photographs of seagulls in various positions, for you to download and use in your painting practise.
PDF - Set Yourself Up - Right!
PDF - Colour and Tonal references.

Tech Info For Download:

Running Time:   Approx 1hour 6 minutes minutes in total

Size:  Approx 2GB

(This download file comes in 2 parts due to the file size, you will need to download them separately)

Part 1:  760 MB approx

Part 2:  865 MB approx


AAC Stereo Audio, H.264

Screen Resolution:  1920 x 1080

MP4 Video file (MPEG-4). Playable on QuickTime Player (or your favourite media player). To get the latest version of QuickTime Player for your Mac or PC, click here.  You will need to ensure your media player is up to date before downloading this file.

NB:  These are LARGE files and may take some time to download.  They have been optimised for the best viewing size versus download time.

If you have broadband your download should be reasonably quick.  If not, it will be slow!  This will take 20 minutes to download as a minimum, and up to an hour or more with a slower internet service.

***We also send this product as a streamable video upon purchase.  See details below.*** 


On purchase of your V-Log “Seagull”, you will receive via email (the one you have linked to your Paypal account) links which are specific to your computer.  One for your video files (Part 1 and Part 2) to download, one for your bonus PDF(s) file, one for your bonus Seagull References (ZIP file including 10 JPG files), and one for your video streaming option (this option includes a password).  

To download the video, PDF and ZIP files, simply click on the link(s).

To view your video via our streaming platform, simply click on the link in the body of the email (this will take you to a specific page on our website), and enter your password in order to view.

There is a time limit and attempt limit setting on the download links (to keep out those nasty pirates!) but don't worry, if you need more attempts - which hopefully you won't - just contact us and we'll send you what you need.  Asap.

NB:  Note for iPad owners - it has come to our attention that if you attempt to download the v-log to an iPad (or other iOS operating system managed device such as an iPod or iPhone) it may not let you save the file (you may only be able to view it).  Therefore please use a different computer platform to download and save the file (ie your PC or laptop).  

HOWEVER:  You will be able to STREAM the video file with no problem on any device.  Hooray!

Happy Painting!  Thankyou for your support :)

Check out our other V-Log downloadable tutorials right here:

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