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What is and what should never be

by Edward Paul
(Lexington, KY)

What is And What Should Never Be

What is And What Should Never Be

This is another acrylic finger painting from 1989 when I was experimenting with using my fingers to paint with and mixing the paint directly on the canvas with my fingers.

This is a scene from rural Eastern KY that I painted. I used this finger technique for a little over a year in 1988-1989. I really enjoyed the outcome of the texture and color.

Comments for What is and what should never be

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Aug 12, 2014
thanks NEW
by: Anonymous

thanks for the comments its real fun to do and i felt at the time the emotion of the feeling was directly flowed from the body to work the paint.

Aug 10, 2014
tpj NEW
by: Anonymous

WoW, its like a different planet scape, especially the mid and background. It draws you in.

Aug 10, 2014
I like it NEW
by: Anonymous

I like this painting. In my last painting I tried using my fingers. It was fun & I like how it turned out.

Jul 31, 2014
Glitch! NEW
by: Frankie

Hi TPJ & Edward - not sure what's happened here. I'll investigate and fix this asap! Aghhhhhh computers!!!
Cheers :) Explore HQ IT Crew aka Frankie

Jul 31, 2014
whata whatis NEW
by: tp jagg

If only we could see it, unless my browser 'says no' :(

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