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Underwater Love

by Jenny Berry
(Adelaide, Australia)

Ningaloo Reef: Threadfin Butterfly

Ningaloo Reef: Threadfin Butterfly

I'm constantly fascinated by marine life and coral reefs. I love snorkelling and find such an array of inspiration from the world that resides under the ocean.

Acrylics for me are the perfect medium because they can be opaque and rich and also watery and transparent. I like combining these two properties in many of my coral reef scenes. To me the two techniques perfectly reflect what it is like to be underwater - spectacular clear waters and bold solid colours of fish and coral.

I often take my own underwater images as reference for my pieces. There are also huge numbers of talented underwater photographers that showcase their work on instagram - generally they are more than happy to let me use their shots as reference and inspiration.

This year I am enjoying exhibiting my work more and art is taking up more and more of my career. It's awesome to share my work with fellow artists and ocean lovers.

Comments for Underwater Love

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Sep 03, 2018
Thank you! NEW
by: Jenny Berry

Thanks so much Alison for your kind words

Sep 03, 2018
Fantastic Work NEW
by: Alison

Love the beautiful colour and how you have captured the fish,

Sep 02, 2018
Thanks NEW
by: Jenny Berry

Thanks so much Meenu! I'm glad you enjoy my art :)

Sep 02, 2018
wow NEW
by: Meenu Rana

Hi Jen,
This is so lovely. so natural. Loved this piece of art from you.

Sep 01, 2018
Thank you NEW
by: Jenny Berry

Thank you so much Isabelle!

Sep 01, 2018
Only one word: Superb! NEW
by: Isabelle Desbiens

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