Woolgoolga one spot left

Under the Sea

by Pamela Meredith

Under The Sea

Under The Sea

Under the Sea is painted with acrylics on 18" x 24" gallery canvas. It is painted using Mark's style and based on his downloadable tutorial "Coral Reef - Underneath". I had fun painting it.

Comments for Under the Sea

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Jan 08, 2014
Feel the water NEW
by: Cindy

This is beautifully done. I can almost feel the water. Love the schooling fish.

Sep 09, 2013
thank you NEW
by: Pamela Meredih

thank you for your lovely comments much appreciated

Sep 08, 2013
Sunshine under the water NEW
by: Anonymous

Hi Pam ... love the feeling of the suns rays shining through the water and also a definite sense of the seabed receding into the distance. Lovely picture.

Sep 07, 2013
thank you NEW
by: Pamela Meredith

thank you for your wonderful comment much appreciated

Sep 07, 2013
Well done NEW
by: Jim Parsons

Terrific job Pamela. Certainly better than mine which I started, didn't like, then lost interest and forgot about it. I'll have to dig it out and have another go.

Sep 07, 2013
Well done NEW
by: Jim Parsons

Terrific job Pamela. Certainly better than mine which I started, didn't like, then lost interest and forgot about it. I'll have to dig it out and have another go.

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