Woolgoolga one spot left

Two Pools

by Kenny Mac
(Bend, Oregon)

Two Pools Mural

Two Pools Mural

Here is a work in progress I'm painting on the wall of my shop.

It measures 10 feet tall and 8 feet wide on drywall.

Although I am using acrylics; it is acrylic house paint. This was a lot harder than I had thought it was going to be. It's taken me about a month so far working a couple of hours a day.

One BIG mistake I made, that I had just discovered a week ago was that in my haste in buying my supplies I picked up GLOSS latex instead of satin or eggshell finish. Doh!

It's been a hassle; but in the long run I think I'll be happy with it. Sheesh!.....or Kryki! :)

(I think he might mean "Crikey" :D - Ed)

Comments for Two Pools

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Dec 24, 2017
Fantastic work! NEW
by: Mike

Hello, just browsing through my old acrylic explore emails I keep in a special file, and haven't stopped to read more about this gem. What a wonderful image! Inspiring to hear from putting some time aside each day you can produce wonderful HUGE work- Giving us full time worker part time artists hope! :-)

Jun 07, 2017
Wow! NEW
by: Isabelle Desbiens, from Montreal

It is soooooooo creative. and it brings a calm feeling. Beautifull!

Jun 01, 2017
It's tranquil. NEW
by: Anonymous

It must be amazing to see. I'm sure the smaller size does not do it credit. Beautiful.

Nov 01, 2014
Pools NEW
by: Marion

I want your wall. Love your style of painting.

Sep 23, 2014
Two Pools NEW
by: Anonymous

I absolutely love this painting...I live in Medford and am not allowed to paint on my walls...I was thinking of purchasing some drywall and painting it and then hanging it on my wall...maybe the gloss will help make it look like you are looking at it through glass, especially with the bottom. Great work...actually a month is working pretty fast...(to me anyway).

Jul 30, 2014
Re: Crikey NEW
by: Anonymous

Thank you tpjagg! Yes; I do happen to be really blessed in where I live. Most of my life, I've loved the ocean. But now I've lived in Bend;Oregon for 20 years. We are at the foot of the Cascade Mountain Range. Scenes like this are abundant (although this painting I made up as I painted) Thank you for the feedback!

Jul 27, 2014
2 pools NEW
by: tpjagg

Kenny, I really like it mate. Id have it in my house. You do live in a great part of the world. Well Done. cheers, tpj

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