Woolgoolga one spot left


by Bernadette Dann
(Perth, Australia)

In Progress with my painting of

In Progress with my painting of "Tranquility"

I have decided to enter again into my local shire Art Gallery yearly ACAA Art Awards in August.

I am painting a white rose but I can't decide what is the best background colour to use. Light makes the painting less attractive, so I thought I'd try a royal rich colour. Hmmmm.

This could change but I do like the ultramarine. May add some teal to brighten it. What do you think?

Still working on the rose.

Comments for Tranquility

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Feb 04, 2017
Yellow rose of Texas NEW
by: Anonymous

I like the painting and the large size very much. What are the dimensions of the canvas?

Jul 13, 2014
Beautiful NEW
by: Anonymous

So good to do it so large!

Jul 09, 2014
Tranquility NEW
by: Bernadette

Thank you for your comments to try Magenta. I have experimented with additional SAP GREEN over the top of the UltraMarine... Looks better I think... Also added some leaves at the top to blend in. Tomorrow I will start adding rain drops to give it a more 3D effect.

Jul 08, 2014
tranquility. NEW
by: tpjagg

Magenta would be the go... for me anyway. and BTW, I can smell it from here. Love it.

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