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The Fence That Changed The West

by Larry Baker
(Sunrise, Florida USA)

The Fence That Changed The West

The Fence That Changed The West

I was attempting a painting that was rather complex (for me anyway) and getting so frustrated that I was ready to throw my paintbrushes in the trash.

I thought I should paint something simple and relax. This painting of the fence is that.

After painting it I went back to the complex one and was able to finish it.

The fence painting turned out better than the complex one.

THE FENCE THAT CHANGED THE WEST is acrylic on Masonite and is 9x16

Comments for The Fence That Changed The West

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Aug 12, 2017
Dont stop NEW
by: Anonymous

Absolutely beautiful, so glad you did nit trash your brushes!

Apr 02, 2017
Great Job NEW
by: KatJo

I adore this...I truly do. I love the simplicity of it. Very, very nice.

Aug 13, 2016
Nice, NEW
by: Anonymous

I like your painting. The sky is lovely, and the fence post with grass helps to nail it.

Jul 04, 2016
Very nice NEW
by: Pam B

Great painting. I love the sky!

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