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The Beautiful Mind

by Melissa Simonelli
(Cape Coral, Fl USA)



About 3 years ago for Christmas, my husband bought me a standard beginner's easel, because he remembered I used to like draw and paint before I had children.

I dabbled with it off and on, not having much time because, well, life happens.

It wasn’t until last year when severe anxiety and panic attacks begin to overcome me (out of nowhere) that I started to focus on myself.

With no explanation of why it was happening, I picked up the paint brush and started yoga-hoping that I could self correct what ever the universe was throwing at me.

One year later practicing both yoga and painting I have found tremendous relief. Painting lets me delve into a quiet and gentle place and giving them away as a gift brings additional peace and tranquility.

The painting I chose to share is one of my daughter Emma at Blind Pass in Captiva, FL.

I took this picture a while ago and thought what a beautiful painting it would be.

Comments for The Beautiful Mind

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Nov 02, 2020
Beautiful Mind NEW
by: Betty Jo

Struggling with anxiety,depression,and panic attacks, the comments here encourage me to paint daily for therapy. So grateful for Mark & ACRYLIC ANONYMOUS and for sharing of Beautiful Mind.

Nov 01, 2020
Inspiring from another newer artist
by: Judith mironov

Beautiful- calming- peaceful and lovely colors.
I recently moved and with all of the stress in the world have unable to start painting again
The new lift space is ready , beautiful and peaceful- I’m just not-
Hope your story inspires me to

Nov 01, 2020
by: Linda

What a beautiful painting and story to go with it! I too started to paint five years ago, it seemed out of the blue as I had never pursued it in my past 60 some years of life. Little did I realize that three months after picking up a paint brush it would be part of what would help me heal during the worst grief a mother can experience. I lost my adult son. I feel painting was a gift from God to help me navigate the darkness that grief brings by giving me light and hope. I love painting the water and sunsets, it reminds me that life is always changing like the waves, and even though the night comes with the sun setting, each morning the sun rises again to a new day.

Nov 01, 2020
The Beautiful Mind
by: Yvonne

Wow! I love your painting. It's so beautiful, so colourful.

Nov 01, 2020
You're Welcome Melissa
by: Jules Sharman

Hey Melissa - you're very welcome. Thanks for those kind words about my work. Hope you're still painting and staying safe.
Jules Sharman xx

May 06, 2020
by: melissa simonelli

Thank you Jules! I love your artwork-such an amazing talent and beautiful work!

May 06, 2020
Keep Painting Melissa NEW
by: Jules Sharman

Hey Melissa, this painting is beautiful. I'm so glad you found painting to help. I love it for that reason - it's everything and it's power shouldn't be underestimated.
Enjoy - let it take you to that zone and further.
Take care, Jules.

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