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Tawny Frogmouth

by Dennis
(Orange NSW Australia)

Tawny Frogmouth

Tawny Frogmouth

This is a painting done from a photo at my brother's house in Sydney.

Here, a group of tawny frogmouths have for years been resting on and off in a paper-bark tree outside his kitchen window.

It looks very much like an owl but apparently it is not in the owl family.

I was after the sunlight in the bushes, on the main branch and on the tawny frogmouth itself.

Comments for Tawny Frogmouth

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Nov 01, 2015
Great job! NEW
by: Linda

Beautifully done!

Jul 02, 2014
Beautiful! NEW
by: Lyn

Excellent painting, well done.

May 06, 2014
Very realistic. NEW
by: Jim Parsons

Very good realistic painting. Well done.

May 05, 2014
Realism NEW
by: Anonymous

WELL done!!! Realism that is to be admired in other painters.

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