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Swept Away

by Jules Sharman
(Launceston Tasmania)

Jules Sharman 'Swept Away' painting

Jules Sharman 'Swept Away' painting

Hello There, this is one of my recent paintings compliments of beautiful Atelier paints and weeks high on emotion. I've completely surprised myself lately and never thought I'd say - "I'm officially a convert from oils to acrylic." Although I will continue to do the odd oil.

Every painting is enjoyable but this one's extra spesh to me. I feel I've finally had a breakthrough with foam and white wash and now really do paint relaxed - it's amazing the difference that little factor makes.

I'm currently playing with beach sand colours escaping my usual which is another rewarding process- and if you're me on occasions a messy one lol.

Happy painting everyone and take care,
Jules x

Comments for Swept Away

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Mar 01, 2020
great NEW
by: cwsco

wow! excellent wash and ,sky reflections on the water, well done!

Jan 30, 2020
by: Jules Sharman

Hello Anonymous - I read your comment the other day which struck a chord with me and wasn't sure how to reply. Thank you ever so much - Mark Waller is an incredibly talented painter so your dear comment is a huge compliment to me.
Mark has taught me several valuable life lessons (during turbulant times) which have contributed to me thinking quite differently (regarding the turbulance) and when I paint. It's because of that (& life) my painting style I feel has changed to how it is now.
Mark is an blessing and I'm proud of him.
Kind Regards,
Jules Sharman.

Jan 27, 2020
by: Anonymous

Truly Brilliant!!! You do Mark Waller proud. The wash is Perfect.

Jan 01, 2020
Thanks Rashmi NEW
by: Jules Sharman

Theme so much Rashmi - sorry for late reply. I appreciate your kind words and wish you a Happy New Year.

Dec 10, 2019
Amazing. NEW
by: Rashmi Bansal

It's a wonderful painting. Amaxing choice of colours and perfect execution. Awesome.

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