Woolgoolga one spot left

Still Waters

by Carol

Still Waters

Still Waters

This painting will go up for auction to raise money for my local pregnancy center. I started a Facebook group called Created For His Glory, so other artists who have a passion to help with crisis pregnancies can sell their work and raise money for their local pregnancy center. The title "Still Waters" comes from the 23rd Psalm..."He leads me beside still waters..."

I volunteer at a ranch that helps veterans overcome PTSD through equine therapy, and will be teaching a painting class similar to those taught at parties where a "twist" is involved (you know the ones). Horses will be our subjects of course.

Thank you for this site as I find myself in what I call "artist's isolation" as that is what is required of us to produce our art. Yet we need each other to share what works or what doesn't and to give REAL feedback on our work. Friends and family will always tell me that my work is wonderful, but I crave real discerning feedback. Perhaps "your perspective needs correcting", or "you need more highlights or lowlights or you have too much, or the colors are a bit...." Specific and targeted feedback is great. My eyes get really tired of micro focusing on my paintings and attempting to make it all work. I think it takes other artists to help in that regard.

So thanks again for your help and advice, and God Bless!

Comments for Still Waters

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Nov 07, 2017
Keep up the good work NEW
by: Huriana

You have done a great job with this piece. I like the tension you have created with the rider leaning slightly forward hand resting on the saddle and the tightness of the reins. This creates a sense of movement which is great. It gives me the feeling I used to get when not fully in control of my horse. (I don't ride any more and I was never a very confident rider :D )
With your painting it took me a little while to determine which direction the light source was coming from. I'm guessing from the right side and behind the rider, (right of the picture). To accentuate this look for all the surfaces that are curving away from the light source and shadow those areas. Glazing a colour like burnt umber onto your areas of shadow, (like down the thigh and leg of the rider could be stronger also under the chest of the horse). Glazing these areas means detail that you have won't be obliterated as burnt umber is a translucent colour.

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