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Steve’s first EVER painting

by Steve
(Brisbane )

Steve's First Ever Painting

Steve's First Ever Painting

Well after stumbling across your youtube channel and watching all your videos I was absolutely amazed at how good your paintings were.

I have been dealing with a lot personally and I can't thankyou enough for inspiring me to do something different. I really enjoyed setting myself up to paint and then following your 2 tutorials was able to complete my first small canvas picture.

I learnt a lot along the way and can only hope my next one is better for the practice.

Thanks again


Comments for Steve’s first EVER painting

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Dec 01, 2021
Outstanding! NEW
by: Jane (from UK)

Wow, Steve - how I wish my first painting was even a tenth as good as this. You've done a really good job ... but then Mark and his team are really inspiring!

Looking forward to seeing more paintings as you continue on your artistic journey.

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