Woolgoolga one spot left


by Jules Sharman

Shine - Oil on Canvas 60/45 cm

Shine - Oil on Canvas 60/45 cm

Super excited today for a few reasons, it was my 'finish off' painting day and this is one of them. Plus I booked a little holiday. It's been a year with a difference that's for sure!!! When I reflect really not sure where to start, so much has happened and changed but I'm thankful in perplexing times there's equal amazing occurrences and opportunities.

This painting "Shine" for me, is a part of my journey and gives me hope. Hope for our future as kind, compassionate humans that learn to successfully live harmoniously not only with each other but with the environment and species our world offers. These things are not dispensable and so much needs to be done while we can!

Sounds like I'm an activist not discussing painting - not my intention - they are related however. We're here for a short time and only get one go here and now, being an artist is one of my greatest blessings. Each piece is created with methods of wonderful madness that always bring me personally and professionally that little closer to what really matters in life - love and respect for ALL.

It's easy to become wrapped up in our own bubbles - business pressures, marketing, producing, earning, buying, expanding, throwing away old to have new - even though on many occasions there's actually nothing wrong with the old. Things become wanted and wasted not needed and the important seems lost along the way.

Painting is my release to this craziness and helps motivate me on a various levels to be the better me, wife, mum, daughter, friend and of course artist. A whirlwind yet great invigorating cycle.

Happy painting Explore people and keep on keeping on no matter what. See those beautiful rays peeping through, capture them, embrace them and know we are responsible for our own actions and happiness comes from within :)

Kind Regards
Jules Sharman

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Nov 20, 2020
Color mixing NEW
by: Anonymous

What is the best recipe for the sand color?

Nov 16, 2020
The Beautuful sea NEW
by: Ibby Ruttle

It is quite lovely.

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