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Painting More Waves at Bulli Beach

by Pamela Meredith
(Bulli, NSW, Australia)

Waves at Bulli

Waves at Bulli

I like watching the waves and this is part of a series of beaches in the Illawarra, painted for an exhibition that is happening on the 9th and 10th November 2013, with the Illawarra Arts Society.

I'm looking forward to it again. This is painted on 18" x 24 " gallery canvas.

Comments for Painting More Waves at Bulli Beach

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Jan 20, 2014
thank you Jim NEW
by: Pamela

thank you Jim it did great

Oct 25, 2013
Good surf NEW
by: Jim

Good one Pamela. I think you have really captured the froth & bubble of the surf.
Hope it does well in the show.

Oct 25, 2013
thank you NEW
by: Pamela

thank you Jane for your lovely comment yes I am

Oct 25, 2013
Rolling on in ... NEW
by: Jane (from UK)

Great sense of lovely big waves rolling on in! I can almost hear the sound of the surf crashing in on the beach.

Have you thought of trying a similar painting with surfers?

Good luck with the exhibition ... are you hoping to sell it?

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