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Painted Pink Parrots

by Sami (aka Crazy Bird Lady)
(Southport, Queensland, Australia)

Major Mitchell Cockatoo

Major Mitchell Cockatoo

I was looking for some lessons on how to paint birds. So I purchased an e-pack instruction kit from Donna Gilbertson (064 - Parrot Collection 3 in one pack) as the ones I had tried previously looked like something the cat dragged in...

These lessons were very challenging and I nearly gave up several times - but I kept hearing Mark's voice telling me if I am not having fun I am doing it wrong. LOL Thanks Mark, it has become my personal painting mantra now.

Taking heed of your words, and remembering the wisdom of the Garfield badge - I panicked slowly and it all suddenly clicked, and the birds looked like birds.

Comments for Painted Pink Parrots

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Oct 13, 2018
Art pack NEW
by: Donna Gilbertson

Well done you! Great to see where my art packs end up and what people do with them.

Sep 01, 2013
Pretty parrots NEW
by: Jane

Hi Sami - love your parrots ... particularly the deep pink one. It really feels as though you are looking up at it perching in a tree.

My only suggestion would be that the branches could be painted off the edge of canvass so that it looks as though it is attached to a tree rather than appearing to float in mid air.

.... I'm a bit of a bird watcher so would love to see these birds in real life!

Sep 01, 2013
great NEW
by: Pamela

this is good well done

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