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Paint what you love

by Peter Harrison



I am not sure if I have more time at the moment or just “different” time. During the first week of lockdown I ordered some paints and canvasses...something I do about every 10 years.
I thought ”what shall I try to paint this time?”, and remembered someone telling me long ago to paint what you love. After a couple of Peaky Blinders characters I went to my first real inspiration “Elvis”. Here’s how it ended up on an 18” by 24” canvas.

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May 28, 2020
by: Peter

Thanks Steve

This is the first time I have ever shown anything I have painted to anyone but close family and friends. I was inspired by the other contributors on the site to get out there, be proud of what they have achieved and open up for comments from others!

Thanks again

May 27, 2020
Beautiful work NEW
by: Steve Myers

Very nice work.

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