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Our Rosellas

by Jim
(Gold Coast)

Our Rosellas

Our Rosellas

When some of our palms were getting too big, I took to them with a chainsaw and left the stumps about 180cm high. They quickly rotted on the inside and a pair of Rosellas started checking them out before nesting in one.

I'd taken lots of photos of the birds and then because I had never tried to paint birds, I decided to give it a go. Naturally, they are now "Our rosellas".

They are Eastern Rosellas and their colours are fantastic. I hope I have done them justice.

I used a bit of artistic licence with the stump and didn't try to make it look like a palm stump. I now have to work out how to preserve it so that the birds are encouraged to keep nesting there.

Can't wait to see the young hatchlings.

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Nov 07, 2013
More to the story NEW
by: Jim

We wondered why sometimes both the male and female left together, and thought it strange that eggs would be left unattended. Then we noticed different markings on the female. We have now seen two females attending the stump. Don't know what is going on in that stump but they all seem happy.
Before we knew there was two females, I tried to look in one day when I saw the male and female leave. Raced inside, grabbed a mirror, raced back, quickly climbed up the waterfall as a vantage point, tripped on my rubber thongs, couldn't regain balance, went backwards quicker than I went up, flat on my back into the pool. To make things worse, when I got out I realised that my glasses came off and I had to go back into the cold water to get them. I no longer want to look into the stump. I'll wait to see what comes out.

Nov 05, 2013
Stunning work NEW
by: Pamela Meredith

these birds are so very beautiful love the way you have painted this

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