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My Painting of CoCo the Gorilla

by Debbie Teenier
(Saginaw Michigan)

Co Co the Gorilla

Co Co the Gorilla

Hello, My name is Debbie. I've been painting since I was very little. Acrylics are my favorite medium, although I go back to others mediums from time to time.

This is a painting of Co Co the Gorilla. He passed away at 44 yrs of age. He was the only Gorilla in the world that could do sign language.

I painted along with the "Art Sherpa" online painting tutorial.

Comments for My Painting of CoCo the Gorilla

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Feb 04, 2019
Response to comment NEW
by: Debbie


I received a comment from someone in a different
language. I think he is from Holland. I tried to find a translate button, but there was none. Anyway I wanted to thank him for his comment. I think he said something about it being magical. Is there another way to respond to our comments?

Debbie Teenier

Feb 02, 2019
by: ruud

Hallo lieve Debbie,ik vind de schilderij van CoCo ongelooflijk mooi het is magical...zijn ogen spreken en zeggen zo veel...het is net of hij in zijn ziel laat kijken...het raakt mij ook tot in mijn ziel...ik weet zeker dat CoCo trots is op jou,dat je hem eert met je mooie schilderij...dat wou ik even gezegd hebben en ik ben blij dat er nog mensen zijn die echt van dieren houden...ik wens je al het goede toe en Gods zegen.Warme groeten uit Holland van ruud

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