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My first flower painting.....

by Cheryl Everett
(Creston, California)

Red Poppy

Red Poppy

I am relatively new to painting.....I like to take pictures and paint from that, using the pictures as my inspiration and making changes where I see fit.

My girlfriend said she would like a painting of a red poppy, so I found pictures of red poppies and painted her one on a canvas , size 12" x 12".

I know I need to do a bit more lightening on the poppy for highlights, but I also don't care for the white background. I can't decide what color to do the background.....I originally thought "black" , then a "royal blue" I am leaning more toward a lighter color, e.g., cream, tan, .......any ideas?????

Whatever the color is, I will paint it around the sides of the canvas as well so no frame will be needed....... thanks for any input!

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Nov 06, 2015
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Jan 08, 2014
by: Cindy

I think you have done an amazing job for being new. So very well done. I personally like the red poppy on the white background. Love the contrast - makes the poppy really jump from the canvas. I agree about adding a few well placed highlights, but otherwise, Well Done!

Oct 10, 2013
Go for drama!
by: Jane (from UK)

I once stayed in a beautiful hotel in Brussels which had some really large dramatic paintings of flowers similar to your poppy.

The artist had managed to blend abstract minimalism with authenticity. The painting was definitely a poppy but it was also translucent and ethereal.

The paintings were large and had the drama of a vibrant colour with a dark background ... so I would suggest a dark background but not just one solid colour ... how about scumbling together blue and a dark purple (dioxazine) or a black to create an interesting background?

Good luck - it looks great so far ... do show us the finished picture ... and how about doing a Californian poppy too?

Oct 07, 2013
Person to check out
by: Jackie

Jacqueline Coates paints flowers very similar to what you are trying to achieve. She's got a you tube channel if you want to check out her stuff. I think you need more black in the centre and lighten the edges a little diagonally and that will draw the eye into the centre of the poppy

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