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"Moonlight Magnificence"

by Kenny Mac
(Bend Oregon USA)

Moonlight Magnificence

Moonlight Magnificence

36x48 inch acrylic on canvas.

A bit out of the box; but I wanted to try some fun new things.

Composition a bit lacking....But fun fantasy

Comments for "Moonlight Magnificence"

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Nov 01, 2014
Moonlight NEW
by: Marion

Luv it, luv it! Wish I did it, lol.

Nov 01, 2014
Moonlight NEW
by: Anonymous

Luv it, luv it, luv it!

Oct 22, 2014
unique NEW
by: Dennis, Orange NSW Australia

The surface and underwater split is unique as far as what I've ever seen. A beautiful painting with atmosphere.

Jul 03, 2014
two worlds NEW
by: tom-paul jagg

I love the fine line between two worlds. great composition, well done mate. Cheers, tpj

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