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by Lelia



Part of a series I called "Bling"...Love sparkles!

Comments for Lucy

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Oct 22, 2014
outstanding NEW
by: Dennis Orange NSW Australia

Lucy, I'm impressed with how this all sparkles and looks as lit up as something in real life. Top effort.

Oct 10, 2014
Gorgeous NEW
by: Jane (from UK)

Hi Leila

I think this is terrific - I'd love to see it in real life! And I also agree with Jim & Frankie that it would be interesting to learn more about the medium and development of the painting.

Also did you paint it for yourself or for sale?

I wondered if the title refers to the Beatles song "Lucy in the sky with Diamonds"


Oct 07, 2014
More info please. NEW
by: Jim

Hi Lucy,
I think this painting is terrific. It is not something that I would have tackled and I agree with Frankie, that it would be great to learn about how you approached the subject and the challenges you faced with it. Progress photos would be wonderful if you have them.

Oct 05, 2014
quite amazing. NEW
by: Steve Kaye

Love it!

Oct 05, 2014
More info please!
by: Frankie - Explore Acrylics

Hi Lelia,
Thanks for your beautiful submission! I know our readers would like to know more about this piece, and your "Bling" series too - can you tell us a bit more about it? For example why you painted this particular image, any challenges faced & overcome (or not!), happy accidents encountered.
I, also, am a big fan of sparkles! Thanks for sharing your eye candy with us.

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