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Little Turtle in the Big Sea

by Cindy
(Texas, USA)

Little Turtle in the Big Sea

Little Turtle in the Big Sea

I did this painting watching Mark's underwater technique video "Coral Reef - Underneath".

Felt it needed a sea creature as a focal point.

Comments for Little Turtle in the Big Sea

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Feb 03, 2014
Well done NEW
by: Jim

Well done Cindy. You've made a great job of capturing the underwater scene. I've just about finished an underwater scene which we started in one of Marks' workshops. If you enjoyed his DVD, you would have loved his workshop. I bet he would love to go to your part of the world to conduct a workshop.

Jan 20, 2014
great turtle NEW
by: Pamela Meredith

the turtle looks good in it too great work I like the underwater feel

Jan 16, 2014
Excellent NEW
by: Jane (from UK)

Hi Cindy - that is really lovely. I feel like I'm swimming in those waters and what a treat to see a turtle too.

Well done!

Jan 14, 2014
Beautiful NEW
by: Linda

You did a great job on this painting! I too love the addition of the turtle

Jan 14, 2014
Amazing NEW
by: Anonymous

It looks fantastic. I love the turtle. Well done

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