Woolgoolga one spot left

Listen To Ocean

by Jan Rasiewicz
(Ljubljana, Slovenia, European Union)

Listen To Ocean- acrylic on canvas, 120cm x 50cm

Listen To Ocean- acrylic on canvas, 120cm x 50cm

I started to paint about 4 years ago.

Before that I never had much experience with fine art, but ever since I started I'm soaked in it and can't stop.

I started selling my work about 2 years ago, now I work in a small rented studio near my home in Ljubljana.

I do seascapes and landscapes, but actually more often I paint big abstract paintings. Realism is something I use to escape to when I get into creative rut.

I must say that Mark's DVDs helped me a lot to understand basics for seascape paintings.

This painting called "Listen to Ocean" I did from a reference photo I've found on the internet. I have no clue where is this place, but it's magical.

Love. Art. Respect.

Comments for Listen To Ocean

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Aug 10, 2015
Love your work NEW
by: Kristine

Hi Jan I have just started painting with some abstract work and I found Mark's website as I wanted to learn about painting the sea. I particularly like the colours you have used in this painting. It reminds me of north west Australia with the very beautiful reds in the rock. Well done!

May 20, 2015
Nice NEW
by: Mark Waller

Great colours. :)

Apr 01, 2015
Great colours NEW
by: Jane (from the UK)

Hi Jan - I love the colours you have chosen for this dramatic painting.

It looks to me as though you are really skilled at handling paint and describing texture and form. So I should love to see some of your own paintings rather than copies from a photo. Some Slovenian landscapes would be wonderful.

Jan 18, 2015
listen to the Ocean NEW
by: Pat

Lovely piece! I especially like the reflection of the dune in the water at the beach edge - well don!

Dec 13, 2014
Goo0d stuff NEW
by: JIM

Hi Jan,
You are doing really well.Really like your painting
Keep it up.

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