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Lime in Seltzer Water

by Tari Loomis-Trapenard
(Plano, Texas)

Lime in Seltzer Water

Lime in Seltzer Water

My Difficult and Yet Satisfying Acrylic Painting.

I am a self-taught artist. I used to draw when I was a child all the time. It was my go-to when I felt sad. I used to paint all the time as a young adult until one day I drew a portrait of my husband at the time. It was a wonderful drawing and it pictured him perfectly but he hated it because he said it was like looking in a mirror.

I had it up on the wall so I could walk away for a while and walk back to correct anything if needed. When I came back it was in the middle of the floor in ashes along with my pencils, charcoal pencils and paints...ashes. I have never done a portrait after that.

Years later, I started painting again with the help of my new husband, he was French, (30 years together and now deceased) who loved my stuff.

This is a painting I did after moving to Plano, Texas. It was fun but it posed a challenge to me to make it look like a lime that was dropped in and was very fizzy. I wanted drama in the painting and I think I accomplished this. It was a challenge though to do it as I have no one to show me how, so I experimented and somehow it came out really well.

I will never give up on my dream again. To be an artist is a gift and if we all work and develop our gifts, we will begin to master or create our dreams.

Your YouTube videos, your downloadable videos (on your site) are a good way for me to learn about how to paint water, plants and light.

Your videos are informative, fun and though not easy sometimes, they are a great source for me to learn. I don't think any of us stop learning.

I realize this painting is not something you do, but your videos can help people learn to create their own style.
Thank you!

Comments for Lime in Seltzer Water

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Aug 03, 2020
Lime NEW
by: Anonymous

Truly wonderful picture. You are very talented. We have a similar story (background). I also colored/painted a lot as a young child when I was sad. It is great therapy! Keep up the excellent work!!

Aug 01, 2020
Keep at it! NEW
by: Joaquina

They say that when we paint,we paint our sorrows
an,Joaquinad our joys.Keep at it,it' s a good therapy;I use for myself.With affection

Jul 27, 2020
Never give up NEW
by: Rashmi Bansal

Its a wonderful painting. Never let anybody destroy your talent. I am glad your 2nd husband loved your paintings. All the best.

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