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I Adore Acrylics

by Lynne Abley Burton
(Darlington, Co. Durham)



I’ve drawn and painted all my life, I always feel I was given a gift that I’ve had to develop.

It’s an obsession, a wonderful thing - a painful experience - but such a beautiful part of me!

Comments for I Adore Acrylics

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Jun 01, 2018
Excellent NEW
by: Anonymous

Excellent work

May 17, 2018
Appreciate! NEW
by: Anonymous

Thanks I appreciate your comments x

May 17, 2018
Talented Acrylic Artist NEW
by: Irene

We've commissioned Lynne Abley Burton to paint two portraits of our much loved Poodles and her work is outstanding, she doesn't limit it to Poodle portraits, she can paint anything and we've seen a lot of her work. In both of our commissions, Lynne captured the precise detail of our Poodles colouring/shading to absolute perfection. The Picture Framer, who has an art degree and who framed my recent commission was not only very appreciative of the quality of her work but also of the quality of paper she used. Lynne is an extremely talented lady who has a real joy of life & what she paints.

May 17, 2018
Thanks NEW
by: Anonymous

Thanks so much x

May 17, 2018
Thanks NEW
by: Anonymous

Tanks so much x

May 15, 2018
Love! NEW
by: Anonymous

Beautiful work! Well done!

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