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by Jules Sharman
(Launceston Tasmania)

Tasmanian landscape 'Home' oil on canvas  410 x 510 mm

Tasmanian landscape 'Home' oil on canvas 410 x 510 mm

This one began as a chill piece from memory of the beautiful Tasmanian wilderness surrounding me.

In summer we have many fishing, camping and en plein air trips at various locations. This landscape oil painting is dear to my heart, giving me happy memories of my husband and son hunting and gathering delicious fish while I painted.

Starting in acrylic I was determined to complete the piece without reverting to oils. However, my limits were exhausted and oils I felt were needed for the sky and jetty to appear complete - or for me to feel complete which I am now.

My passion lies with painting seascapes however I painted Australian landscape/wilderness scenes for many years prior, so scenes like this particular one for me are very calming, as it's the best of both worlds - water and landscape.

I'm in the midst of doing a series of Tasmanian landscape paintings, yes all with some form of water, for the opening of my gallery soon. However, I do feel another seascape coming on!

Painting gives me that amazing feeling of peace although for some reason even more so when painting the ocean. I do think the openness and nature of ocean water is comparable with human emotions.

My thoughts anyways, happy painting everyone and stay safe.



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