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Favourite Landscapes and Hummingbird

by Ruth E. Sager
(Deseronto, Ontario)

Landscape I

Landscape I

I retired a little over 3 years ago and I took up art as a hobby. My art has progressed - as I practice I improve. I am painting landscapes, animals birds flowers, cartoon characters, etc. I will send more as a later date. I have drawn and painted a couple of Halloween pictures and some Christmas pictures. When I first started to paint my landscapes a few of them came from my imagination. I have painted Lake Louise from photos and Peggy's Cove lighthouse from photos.

Comments for Favourite Landscapes and Hummingbird

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Nov 12, 2017
Favourite landscapes and humminbird NEW
by: Ruth E. Sager

Hi Jane
thank you for your comments and yes I can see what you mean about the branch to be set off the end of the page. Thank you. I so much appreciate helpful hints from other artists.

Nov 11, 2017
Subtle colours NEW
by: Jane

Hi Ruth - I really like the subtle use of colours in your paintings - especially the landscapes.

The hummingbird painting is also an attractive painting but I just have to point out my personal pet hate which is twigs or sticks that just float in mid-air and are not connected to anything. To me, it looks much more realistic if the twig is continued off the edge of the page.

Kind regards - Jane

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