Woolgoolga one spot left

Apostles looking East

by Reg Watson

Apostles looking east

Apostles looking east

Following on from my attempt at painting the Bay of Fires, I decided that I wanted to have a go at the Apostles (Great Ocean Road). I had tried twice to do Mark's tutorial of a wave on the shore... never really captured it but the first one was a shocker (that is very bad). So I decided to recycle the canvas.

This is my attempt of recreating the beautiful sunset view we had. This one looking east. I reworked it a bit as initially it was quite dark (lots of Prussian Blue). I decided perhas a little less 'Goth' would be the go.

Hard to decide what to do about the vague dark foreground areas as my photos provides little guidance.

I will submit another of the view looking west shortly

Enjoying it all.

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