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Aloha Wave

by Suz
(Lester Beach, MB Canada)

Aloha Wave

Aloha Wave

I've been obsessed with surfing, forever, from boogie boards at Grand Beach to dreams of one day seeing surfing competitions on the infamous north shore of Hawaii!

I connected through Etsy with a photographer living with Hawaii, his partner makes beach jewelry and they sell their art through Etsy.

He gave his permission for me to use one of his photographs as inspiration for a painting.

The painting was challenging, I used impasto paints for the FIRST time, just jumped in. They dry so fast! it's crazy. I loved them.

This is a large painting 30 " x 40", I hope you feel the movement of the wave, and feel the peaceful beach at the end of the tunnel.

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Sep 15, 2015
Aloha Wave
by: Johnson

I found this post very exciting. I think you will have any other post on this topic? I am also sending it to my friend to enjoy your working style. It is because i love informative blogs and this is one of them.

Nov 09, 2014
Wave comment!
by: Steve Kaye

Looks like it was real fun to do! Big and bold. Love it! Hang it in the middle of a big wall.

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