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After the Storm

by Sandee Marvin
(Golden Valley, AZ, USA)

After The Storm

After The Storm

I've always been fascinated by the ocean.

This is my latest attempt to capture the sea.

It didn't start out as a stormy sea picture.... but ended up that way.

Comments for After the Storm

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Sep 22, 2014
After the Storm NEW
by: Lori S.

gorgeous colors...I love it

Sep 15, 2014
Beautiful NEW
by: Janice Karberg

Absolutely exquisite Sandee! This is a breathtaking piece of art! Kudos to you.

Sep 15, 2014
Beautiful NEW
by: Janice Karberg

Absolutely exquisite Sandee! This is a breathtaking piece of art! Kudos to you.

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