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A Walk In The Clouds

by Rashmi Bansal
(Kolkata, West Bengal, India)

A Walk In The Clouds

A Walk In The Clouds

We went to Darjeeling in the month of May. Wrong month. Very rainy and misty. I called the mountains "the misty mountains".

The trip to Tiger Hill, getting up and leaving at 3am to watch the sunrise, was a washout. Suddenly from the height of Ghoom Monastery, the mist broke and we saw the majestic Kanchenjunga range. The memory stuck.

The painting below is an attempt to recapture the moment. I have titled it "A Walk In The Clouds". Your feedback will mean a lot to me.

Comments for A Walk In The Clouds

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Dec 01, 2019
My reply to Bonnie
by: Rashmi Bansal

Hi Bonnie,
Thanks for your lovely comment. Yes the trip was worth it as the misty mountains have their own beauty. The sunrise from Tiger Hill is an unforgettable experience from all accounts so will go again in a dry season.

Nov 12, 2019
Beautiful NEW
by: Bonnie Fontaine

Such a different perspective! I love the point of view. The colors are lovely as well. I'm sorry you went at the wrong time. It must have been disappointing. Was that break in the clouds worth your trip?

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