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A Very Strange-Looking Parrot Painting

The painting

The painting

Okay, so I have done the three lessons of painting birds and I think I can get a photo and do it all on my pat malone....

So which bird to paint next... do I go for an easy one, nooooo I get inspired by one of the strangest looking parrots that I love. It is called a Hawk-headed Parrot and they are from South America. I just love their head feathers...

I have uploaded the photo that I got my inspiration from. I don't think I did too bad for a first effort.

Comments for A Very Strange-Looking Parrot Painting

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Sep 01, 2013
Very good. NEW
by: Jim

I've never had a go at painting birds. I hope i can do as well as this.

Sep 01, 2013
great NEW
by: Pamela

I like this he very cute

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