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Acrylics Anonymous, Issue #088 -- It's The Season To Get Silly! December 01, 2019 |
Passionate about painting with acrylics? Need a monthly fix chock full of inspiration? Need some help to take the pain out of your painting process? It's all here for you. Acrylics Anonymous. Zero elitism. Dive in. If you enjoy Acrylics Anonymous, and you know someone who might also enjoy it, you can share by forwarding it to your friends! If you are receiving this because a friend has forwarded this to you, and you would like to subscribe, click here! ![]() Every month, we will produce a Subscribers Only "sealed section". It could be a painting technique, a short video tip, or anything we can think of that we reckon you might enjoy. Please let us know what you think, we love your feedback! To leave comments, contact us here.
![]() ![]() Keep It Loose. If you want to create an impressionist feel, use a big brush and hold it in your fist, close to the ferrule, or use a small, long brush and hold it closer to the end. The idea is to diminish your “precision” in making marks that are looser and more impressionistic. ![]() Landscape With Lake Our brand new downloadable tutorial V-Log is now out - And! A competition for you - win a day in the studio with Mark valued at AUD$650, OR an original Mark Waller A4 painting on watercolour paper, depending on if you can get to the studio at Lennox Head or not! See the page below for all the details. Click here and scroll down for the comp details! Musings From a Dance With Cancer Mark's writings about his cancer experiences have been turned into a gorgeous, hardcover, limited edition "coffee table" style book, replete with artworks and text that are both uplifting and expansive. This limited edition book comes with an original A6 painting on watercolour paper. "This book is dedicated to cancer people everywhere. Those who have it; those who care for those who have it, and those who fear it. I love you all." - MW For more information and to purchase, click here. And for a free digital sample of the book, see the link below! Click here for Mark's digital book "Musings from a dance with cancer" Micador Savings! For 30% off all Micador products, use the code: WALLER30 at checkout. A fantastic Aussie company with some amazing deals now on! Christmas? Pah! Sorted! Click here to shop at Micador ![]() You can even nominate someone if you like. (Or yourself!). To do this, check out the forum and then send us an email! It’s that easy. This month we're featuring Rashmi Bensal from West Bengal, India with the painting titled "A Walk In The Clouds". A beautiful, moody piece with a great story behind it! Thanks for sharing Rashmi! Click here for more information on Rashmi's "A Walk In The Clouds" ![]() And…and oldie but a goodie - in 2013 a Dutch museum wanting to generate some interest in their Rembrandt exhibition set about recreating “The Night Watch” with a flashmob in a nearby shopping mall. The result? Fantastic!! Check it out here: Click here to watch this fantastic recreation. Just when you thought you had seen everything! Xavi Bou, nature-loving photographer from Barcelona, creates Ornitographies; photography inspired by his curiosity about the invisible patterns traced by birds in flight. “My intention is to capture the beauty of the bird’s flight in a single moment, making the invisible visible.” Check out his beautiful, compelling images right here. Check out Xavi's images here. If you have a link you like, please share it with us! You can contact us to let us know. Thank you! ![]() If you have works in progress you would love to show off, or finished pieces you are particularly proud of, we would love to see them! We especially like to hear about the story behind the creation. This month's submission comes from Kai Gesco, a talented and amazing young man from Lennox Head: From Kai: "I am 25 and I’ve lived in Lennox Head all my life. I was born genetically deaf, dyslexic and with Aspergers Syndrome. Due to my deafness I was always very visual and creative from an early age and used art as a form of personal expression. I paint my world and try not to seek answers but to live within the questions themselves. It is my understanding that perceptions of life & death, past & present are all an illusion and there is no one truth to be found. I find the beautiful chaos all around me fascinating, and this is what I try to convey through my art. I have just graduated from a University degree in Bachelor of Art and Design at Southern Cross University. Materials used in this piece - mixed media on canvas were: charcoal, pastels, ink, acrylic (Atelier interactive) and oils. This piece is available to purchase through my webpage here. This body of work titled “Unfolding”, is a visual representation of the continual movement, metamorphosis and unfolding of life. It expresses an entanglement rich in layers of history, ideas, growth, memory, consciousness and my personal experiences with everything altering from one moment to the next with perceptions of darkness, light and an awareness of all things being connected. Where one sees beginnings another may see endings. Did the flower die or in the process of death did it give new life? It represents the layers of human consciousness and the personal experiences encountered throughout the journey of life. This body of work is three large canvases hung side by side to create one large piece for impact. The beginning of the process was to lightly sketch the whole canvass to roughly lay out the images. Watercolours were then used to work out the colour palette and I then I used inks and a spray bottle of water to create runs. Details were added to the portrait faces using oil paint on all three canvass and also the flowers were added in oil. Other layers were then added using a mix of oil, acrylic, charcoal and ink to add abstract and depth. There was a constant checking in and morphing of the artwork throughout the whole process, many times things were added or adjusted according to the feel in the moment. The end result was then coated in a finish medium AS (Art Spectrum) Gloss varnish. Image details: Title: Unfolding Medium: Mixed medium of Oil, Acrylic, Charcoal and Ink on canvas Size: Three canvass each 100 x 152cm An overflow from the main body of work will also include some smaller canvass that will continue the same flow, colour and expression. Some are already in existence and some will be worked on as my art practice continues to develop. I have also created several Artist books which I would like to include in the exhibition, perhaps in a glass case." If you like Kai's work and would like to see more, please check out his instagram page, click here. And for Kai's website, click here. Hope you enjoyed this issue of Acrylics Anonymous! If you have any suggestions, comments or feedback for the ezine or our site, please don't hesitate to contact us. Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to you and your loved ones! We'll be taking a little break and AA will be back in your inbox from the 1st February 2020. Until next time, make sure you chuck some paint around! Cheers from Frankie & Mark :) |
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