1st March 2012, issue 001
Passionate about painting with acrylics? Need a monthly fix chock full of inspiration? Need some help to take the pain out of your painting process? It's all here for you. Acrylics Anonymous. Zero elitism. Dive in.
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Subscribers only…..shhhhhh…sealed section just for you!
Tip of the month
Links we like
Works in progress…..show us your paintings!
Just for you, we are offering a FREE 25 minute video tutorial to help improve your painting practise.
To access this most excellent resource, simply click here!
Your Password: Explore
We have gone to a lot of effort to produce this tutorial especially for you, and as such we would appreciate you keeping it on the down low.
However, if you have a friend you know would love it, please direct them here. To do this, simply copy and paste the URL of this page into the body of an email.
All new subscribers to Acrylics Anonymous will also have access to this free acrylic painting video tutorial.
In addition to this great news, ALL subscribers can purchase our 3 pack of How to Paint with Mark Waller DVDs at a discounted rate. See your free tutorial page for details.
Every month, we will produce a Subscribers Only "sealed section". It could be a painting technique, a short video tip, or anything we can think of that we think you might like.
And now…. sit back to enjoy your free tutorial. And please let us know what you think, we love your feedback! You can leave comments via Youtube, or
click here.
Colour Matching Tip
Load your brush with paint, and if you are painting on an existing canvas - hold it just out from the canvas to get a rough idea of your colour. You can do this if you are painting from a photo reference as well. You can also just touch the colour off to the side of your canvas, before you commit yourself to making the mark on your painting. Although, using acrylics, you can always paint over it!
Underpainting....what's the big deal??
Find out here why your underpainting is an important part of your painting process, and what it can do to improve your work.
Click here to
Upcoming workshop….painting sunsets over water.
If you are in the Northern NSW area on the 10th March, make sure you don't miss this luminous, vibrant and fun workshop with Mark. Places limited.
Contact us
to book your spot!
Click here to
Cheap brushes….the pros and the cons.
The Pitfalls and Good Things about using cheap brushes. Click here to read more...
New Zealand artworks
by Shaugn David Briggs. Producing paintings that are of high quality and fine detail of New Zealand landscapes and culture.
Shaugn is a great artist and motivated individual, who also has another great website called
Learn Stone Carving!
Understand the basics of stone carving from a simple piece to a fantastic garden sculpture. A fascinating and inspiring site. Well done Shaugn!
Thaneeya McArdle's sites (she has a few!) are fun, vibrant and exciting. You will love them. Not sure if we should be sending you there rather than our own site, but we love them nonetheless!!!!
Check it out here.
If you have a link you like, please share it with us! You can
contact us
to let us know. Thank you!
This is the section where you can "get your name in lights!" (well at least out there in the internet world!).
If you have works in progress you would love to show off, or finished pieces you are particularly proud of, we would love to see them!
We especially like to hear about the story behind the creation.
This week we feature Frankie's mural on her kids' playroom wall, which she has now finished! She was going for a whimsical look which encompassed her young children's freedom, while still keeping a subdued effect that will suit the changing environment as they grow up. Thanks for sharing Frankie.
Hope you enjoyed this issue of Acrylics Anonymous! If you have any suggestions, comments or feedback for the ezine or our site, please don't hesitate to
contact us.
Until then, make sure you chuck some paint around!
Cheers from Mark, Nic & Frankie :)
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